Septic Aerator
Electrical shock is another hazard that can be encountered when working around aerators, alarms, pumps and other mechanical equipment. Electrical shock can cause severe injury or death. All persons working on or around these systems should use caution in dealing with electrical systems and should not try to repair or troubleshoot such systems unless they have experience in dealing with them. The following basic safety rules should be kept in mind at all times:
Keep your mind on potential hazards at all times
Do not use metal ladders or uninsulated tools
Never override any electrical safety device
Inspect electrical cords for abrasion and insulation failure
Be careful to not ground yourself when in contact with electrical equipment or wiring
Remember that outdoor activity with electricity poses greater potential for hazard
A very perfunctory inspection will only require checking the operation of electrical equipment, while actual servicing the equipment will create a greater potential for hazard. All persons working on the system should be aware of safe work practices if any servicing is required. This includes following proper lockout and tagout procedures in accordance with paragraph (b) of General Industry Standards 1910.353. If you are unsure, don't take chances with you life, or the life of others. Hire a trained and licensed professional so you don't have to take any chances.
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